Craig Landry

Product development, also people

My Background

I am the Director of Product Development at Medic, which involves building a great team of people to make software that does good in the world. This is important to me and I greatly value working with people who really care about what they are doing and why. My preferred way of operating is to set direction and empower them to do what they are best at.

Over the course of my career I've worked as a software developer for a long time and also as an engineering manager. Software development is a lot of fun and I have a special interest in software design, where it helps teams of people work on things together over time. My preferences in languages, frameworks, systems, and tools tend to follow that team-focused line of thinking. Similarly in engineering management, I have enjoyed helping engineers build their skills and careers by finding ways to be successful as teammates and make great software together with others.

Also in this mix of a career and life I am a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, having lived and worked in Tanzania teaching everything from computer basics to Linux system administration and Java programming... and of course learning so much more myself. Asanteni Watanzania!

TLDR: People and software FTW! 😀

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